Letter from the Editor

Oh Hi Readers,

Welcome to the issue, we’ve got a lot in store for you. This is the launch of a new site so bear with us as we continue to add new content.  You can expect to see new content daily and definitely check out our monthly features.  We were so excited to have a sit down with Nicoletta Lyons, owner of Lola’s Urban Vintage.  We were inspired by her story and it was refreshing to hear the story of someone that is truly making her dreams come true.  More than just a shop owner, she’s a designer, artist, and stylist that’s sure to have something to offer everyone. Finally! Allston has a great place to treasure.

We also got a chance to have a chat with Siobhan Magnus, known from American Idol, another talented individual making her dreams come true.  Boston, more so New England, has a lot to offer and we will spend the up coming months highlighting those talented individuals.

You can expect a lot more interviews, photos and videos, and great stories that’ll inspire even the most pessimistic.  This feels like the dawn of a new day, we’re making a fresh start so if you’ve got a story that you want shared or you know of an individual that should have their story put out there send us an email. We’re dying to hear your stories.

Asha Isabella